Letter: Oppose law requiring prescriptions for PSE meds

The production and distribution of methamphetamine in South Carolina is an ongoing problem. Pending legislation in Columbia (H.3160) would make a main ingredient in the drug harder to obtain by requiring a prescription to purchase any medicine containing pseudoephedrine (PSE), such as Sudafed.

But H.3160 is heavy-handed and places the cost of compliance on non-abusers. Instead of a quick trip to the drug store, treating a runny nose would require scheduling a doctor’s appointment. This added regulation would cost hardworking families who play by the rules time and money. I urge our legislature to oppose H.3160.

To fight meth in South Carolina, we don’t have to force every single cold and allergy sufferer to the doctor. State Senator Larry Martin recently offered a compelling alternative — implementing what is known as a meth offender block list. This block list would require anyone previously convicted of a meth crime to get a prescription to use PSE products but would maintain full access to the decongestant for law-abiding citizens. This approach has seen positive results in other states. After implementing the meth offender block list, Oklahoma and Alabama saw a 79 percent decrease in meth production.

Instead of foisting another regulation on taxpayers, let’s just focus on the lawbreakers.

Seth Powell


The writer is Upstate field director for Americans for Prosperity.